  • Minimum time: 3 hours
  • Maximum time: 7 hours
  • Pricing: charge per hour
  • Deposit: no deposit needed
  • Childrens seat: upon request
  • Suggested time to start: 8:30 a.m
  • Drivers are non smokers

Send Enquiry

    Select Tour
    Ship Name/ Hotel/ Place *
    Date & Time *
    Persons *
    Driver Must Speak *
    **Each Taxi can carry up to 4 passengers**
    Name *
    Surname *
    Email *
    Confirm Email *
    City/Country/State *
    Notes (Optional)


    What happens after my booking?

    After the booking is completed, you will receive a confirmation of your booking, and within a few hours you will receive a comprehensive email introducing your driver, with all their contact information. Our drivers know exactly where to find you and what to do in the event of a delayed or cancelled booking.

    How do we select the drivers?

    The available drivers are experienced licensed professional chauffeurs by the Greek Ministry of Transport. They speak highly educated English and have a great knowledge of Corfu Island. They are reviewed by the company for their quality service. Each of them has a unique personality, with excellent customer service skills.

    How do we meet at the Port?

    When you arrive at the port, a bus (free transportation) will pick you up and take you at the Customs Office. Then you will go through Duty Free shop and we will be waiting for you outside the arrival hall with your name written on a placard. Afterwards we will drive you directly to your tour destination.



    Didn’t find what you were looking for?

    Send any question to our E-MAIL:

    and we will get back to you in the next 24 hours, at the latest.